/// @param vaultId Id of the vault
/// @param joinAddr Collateral join address
/// @param gasUsed Gas amount to charge in strategies
/// @param flAddress Flashloan address 0x0 if we're not using flashloan
/// @param flAmount Amount that the flashloan actions returns if used (must have it because of fee)
/// @param nextPrice Maker OSM next price if 0 we're using current price (used for ratio check)
/// @param targetRatio Target ratio to repay if 0 we are not checking the ratio
/// @param exchangeData Data needed for swap
struct RepayParams {
uint256 vaultId;
address joinAddr;
uint256 gasUsed;
address flAddr;
uint256 flAmount;
uint256 nextPrice;
uint256 targetRatio;
ExchangeData exchangeData;